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A content accordion is a common UI pattern that allows you to provide extra content on demand when a trigger is clicked. The animation is usually a slide down or to the side like an accordion, hence the name.

Using hidden inputs and labels, you can create a Css-only accordion that will animate the content areas.

Easy peasy. With the use of child and sibling selectors you can target the content area that is either child or sibling to the input that has been selected.

Yup, you sure can. Get cool tips on sass and what nots at @Dave_Conner

Poly is a simple, responsive UI toolkit for everyone to share and enjoy! Read More

I know the feeling: You just installed Sass, eager to dive into all of its awesome features and finally convert that stale CSS project over to Sass. You create your first .scss file, crack open Terminal, type a --watch command—everything comes to a hault. Read More

CSS blend modes are a new feature that let us blend an element’s background layer with another layer. They’re commonly used for blending a background image with a background color. Read More

Viewport-relative units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax) are a new set of dynamic CSS units for sizing elements. They’re called “viewport-relative” because they eliminate dependency on parent elements and allow sizing based on the viewport size. Read More

A few button hover effects using a couple different methods. SVG and pseudo elements make for some nice pizazz! Go to pen.

Mulitple credit cards made entirely with CSS and fully responsive. Go to pen.

Rocket built and animations all using CSS. Go to pen.

Building for the modern web means building for all devices. Use of CSS to both form and morph one device into another. Oldie but goodie. Go to pen.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac laoreet elit. Phasellus dignissim purus vitae urna cursus, quis congue ligula tristique. Ut nec blandit risus. Donec at orci ut justo venenatis viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac laoreet elit. Phasellus dignissim purus vitae urna cursus, quis congue ligula tristique. Ut nec blandit risus. Donec at orci ut justo venenatis viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac laoreet elit. Phasellus dignissim purus vitae urna cursus, quis congue ligula tristique. Ut nec blandit risus. Donec at orci ut justo venenatis viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac laoreet elit. Phasellus dignissim purus vitae urna cursus, quis congue ligula tristique. Ut nec blandit risus. Donec at orci ut justo venenatis viverra.

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